First Chance for Children has distributed over 100 “Stay at Home, Play at Home” activity kits this month to families enrolled in our home visiting and Lend & Learn Library programs!
What are Stay at Home, Play at Home activity kits? The kits are designed to give families play-based learning activities that encourage creativity, imagination, sensory experiences, movement, going outside, and family togetherness. These activity kits include a full month of activities for families with young children ages 0-5.
In the month of April, families were given kits with a NATURE theme, including a daily event calendar, nature curriculum with activity instructions and supplies, printed puzzles and storyboard characters, a bag of snacks, and a book. Did you miss the kit? No worries, you can print the activities here.
Why is this important? Equipping families to play and spend time together, especially during this pandemic, is a priority for our organization. Families often rely on programs like our Lend and Learn Toy Library to enrich their child’s learning and developmental skills. Activity kits can relieve one pressure parents of young children may have about supply fun, enriching materials for their child to engage in new learning opportunities for their growth.
First Chance promotes play as essential for a child’s wellbeing. Through play, children develop new motor, emotional, social, cognitive, and communication skills. Creating, laughing, and reading together encourages families to talk about their feelings and bond with one another. Activities that incorporate play, laughter, movement, and time in nature are also proven ways to lower stress for everyone in the family.
Here’s what families have shared when their kits were delivered to their doorsteps:
Thank you so much!!!! What a perfect surprise for C now that naptime is over!
“This is the coolest kit! Thank you so much again!!!“
Omg!! Just got home…what an awesome kit you all are providing!! And the books too! Thank you so much!
Thank you so much! Wow these books are beautiful. I’m just so grateful for you and your organization! This is excellent.
We are amazed by the hard work of these families who, despite the challenges presented in this pandemic, are providing new opportunities for their children to grow and thrive at home. We are deeply grateful for the support of our community and funders like the Boone County Children’s Service Fund to be able to offer these activity kits! New kits are being developed for May with ART, MUSIC, and MOVEMENT activities!
To learn more about obtaining a kit for your family, contact Charity Quinn, Lend & Learn Educator at