First Chance Launches the Family Leadership Council

Are you interested in being a voice for families with young children? Would you like to develop your leadership skills and support the programs of First Chance for Children?

First Chance for Children has an exciting new opportunity for you – the Family Leadership Council!

What is the Family Leadership Council?

The Family Leadership Council is a group of caregivers who serve in a leadership role in guiding and promoting the First Chance mission and programs. They will advocate and work to help meet the changing needs of families of young children 0-5 in Central Missouri. 

Who can be part of the Family Leadership Council?

Family Leadership Council is a diverse and inclusive community of caregivers of young children. Members are potential, current, or former participants (past three years) in at least one of our four programs – Baby Bags, Baby U, Lend & Learn, Safe CRIBS.

What will I be expected to do as a member of the Family Leadership Council?

Be you! We want you to share your unique experiences, opinions, skills, and knowledge to help us stay in touch with the changing needs of caregivers and expand our reach to all types of families in our community.

Members will serve for one year (September 2021-August 2022). They will set their own schedule for the year, meeting 6 times (once every two months) on zoom and/or in person. When meeting in person, childcare and food will be provided. The group will elect their own officers, including electing a representative to the First Chance Board of Directors and subcommittees. Working with staff, they will establish a code of conduct, annual goals, and meeting agendas.

Click to read the full FLC Member Description.

Why should I join? 

We believe your experience and knowledge will positively influence the mission and work at FC4C to strengthen the lives of all families of young children in Central Missouri. You will be valued and supported as part of a team. You will be able to give back, help, and inspire other caregivers. You will grow in your skills as a leader and caregiver. 

How do I sign up?

If you’re interested in getting involved, fill out a self-nomination form. You can download and print the Self-Nomination form or pick up a printed copy at the First Chance office. Turn your completed form in either by email to Staff Liaison, Charity Quinn, at or by mail:

First Chance for Children

Attn: Family Leadership Council

1010 Fay St

Columbia, MO 65201

The forms are due by July 31, 2021. Selections will be made in early August, and the first FLC meeting will be held in September!

Want to learn more before you sign up? 

Attend one of our two info sessions to learn more about the Family Leadership Council. At the info session, you will learn more about First Chance, how your involvement will impact families, expectations of the Council members, benefits of joining, and plans for our first year. There will be time for questions to see if this opportunity is a good fit for you.

Attend one of these Zoom Info Sessions to learn more: 

Thursday, July 15   5:30-6pm

OR  Friday, July 16  12:30-1pm

Sign up for the Info Session by contacting Charity Quinn to get the Zoom link! If these times don’t work for you or if you prefer a 1-to-1 meeting, we can arrange an individual appointment. Also, feel free to reach out with questions any time! 


Charity Quinn, Staff Liaison Family Leadership Council

573-340-1341 (text/call) (email)