Water Play
IT’S TIME FOR WATER PLAY! Charity Quinn, Contributor 50 Favorite Materials for Water Sensory Play! Water is magical for little ones. It’s our go-to sensory activity in the summer at Lend & Learn because it’s simple, cheap, easy to clean up, and so enriching for your child’s development! We are sharing our 50 favorite materials …
The Invisible Public Health Crisis A profound situation: Choosing between feeding your child or changing their diaper. In the United States, one in three parents have had to make that choice. Diapers are an essential child care need and a significant expense for families with young children. The National Diaper Bank Network defines “diaper need” as …
April 11-17, 2022 is Black Maternal Health Week (BMHW). This year, the City of Columbia declared April 11 as Black Doula Day! Research shows that Black birthers have the worst outcomes among the pregnant and postpartum populations. To support Black birthers in our community and improve their outcomes and experiences, we are sharing information on …
Spring is finally here!
I don’t know about you but if you are anything like me spring is a time of hope. The weather starts to get warmer, the light stays a little longer and it lures people outside to enjoy what we normally cannot in the winter. If you are wondering what you can do with your young …