As Daniel Tiger sings: “In some ways we are different, in so many ways we are the same!” As parents and caregivers, we have an awesome opportunity to support our children’s learning, acceptance and honoring of our differences and experiences- as we also support their understanding of our connectedness to each other!
This month’s learning kit includes information, activities and materials that we hope you will find fun and helpful in this important part of parenting.
What are Stay at Home, Play at Home activity kits?
The kits are designed to give families play-based learning activities that encourage creativity, imagination, sensory experiences, movement, going outside, and family togetherness. These activity kits include a full month of activities for families with young children ages 0-5.
In the month of August, families were given kits with a diversity and inclusion theme, wit fun learning activities to help your child discover what is unique and wonderful about who they are! We also share tips on how to teach your child about accepting differences, with a focus on talking about race. Inside the kit is activity instructions and supplies including a brand new book, handheld mirror, paper, cardstock, laminated faces & bodies, play dough, stickers, pom poms, tissue paper, google eyes, craft sticks, post it notes, glue stick, regular and multicultural skin tone crayons, and of course – snacks! Did you miss the kit? No worries, you can print the activities here.
p.s. looking for an example of how to use these activities? Check out our video that will help you have meaningful play with your child. Click here!
Why is this important?
Equipping families to play and spend time together, especially during this pandemic, is a priority for our organization. Families often rely on programs like our Lend and Learn Toy Library to enrich their child’s learning and developmental skills. Activity kits can relieve one pressure parents of young children may have about supply fun, enriching materials for their child to engage in new learning opportunities for their growth.
First Chance promotes play as essential for a child’s well-being. Through play, children develop new motor, emotional, social, cognitive, and communication skills. Creating, laughing, and reading together encourages families to talk about their feelings and bond with one another. Activities that incorporate play, laughter, movement, and time in nature are also proven ways to lower stress for everyone in the family.
Why this month’s topic?
We see you and appreciate what a uniquely hard time this is for so many. When things are tough it can be hard to find the words or resources to make sense of it all. We want to celebrate our differences, acknowledge the injustice, and do our part to end the hate that has gone on for far too long.
We often say “Parenting is Hard,” and is it ever! Another truth is “We can do hard things.” We are here for you as you do the hard things and hope to bring some ideas, information and inspiration along the way.
As always, if you have questions, or want to know more- we are here for you.