Items you already have in your home can help your child grow!
You don’t have to buy expensive or trendy toys for your child to encourage their growth. Simple items you find around your house can be incredible tools to teach your child new skills. Perhaps you will be surprised at these simple and useful toy recommendations we make to families with young children!
1-4 months
Songs: Sing baby simple songs with repeated phrases. The repetition helps baby learn and listen.
4-8 months
Spoon: Give baby a spoon to grasp, hold, chew, bang on something, or drop.
Mirror: Place an unbreakable mirror near baby for visual stimulation. Do they understand their reflection? Look in the mirror together and wave.
8-12 months
Muffin Pan: Make a simple puzzle for baby by putting ping pong balls into a muffin pan.
12-16 months
Finger foods: Cut up safe finger foods and let baby pick them up, feel the textures, and feed themself.
16-20 months
Old purse: Give your toddler an old purse for “collecting” things. They can fill and empty it and carry it around.
20-24 months
Broom or rag: Your toddler will love to help with daily tasks. Give her simple “jobs” to do and let them know what a big kid they are. They can wipe off a table or help sweep up.
24-30 months
Yarn: Wrap tape around one end of a piece of yarn and knot the other end, and allow your toddler to string large macaroni, large beads, or Cheerios.
30-36 months
Empty cartons: Collect empty cereal boxes, egg cartons, etc. and help your child set up their own grocery store.
3 years old
Box: Use boxes to build and teach location words (over, under, between, etc.)
4 years old
Scissors: Use child-safe scissors to build hand muscles, create, and prepare for school.
Learn more about your child’s growth and development and more simple activities you can do to help: